
Friday, May 20, 2011


For years I have joked with my kids about how I am perfect.

After all, I'm their mom and I wouldn't exaggerate or anything. Ha!

I mean they've lived with me for years. They've seen me lose my temper, lose my car keys, (half-way) lose my mind, and watched me walk into a room and try to remember what I'm looking for or what I wanted to say. (And let me just point out, it was going to be brilliant and inspiring.)

A couple years ago (maybe more) I was out and about with our daughter and pulled the van in to a gas station for a fill-up. I was in the process of sticking my head out the window to see if the van was positioned close to the gas pump and the attendant walked up so I asked, "Is this good?"

And he said, "You're perfect."

I whipped my head around to look at my daughter and said, "Did you hear what he said?!?"

Picture her eyes that were already rolling....

"He said I am perfect!"

He had made my day, month, ok years, since I've always looked my husband or kids in their eyes and pointed out that the "gas station guy" said I am perfect.

Yes, I'm known for "beating a dead horse" with pointing out that I am perfect.

Fast forward to my follow-up meeting with my orthodontist yesterday. The previous appointment had involved a lot of pictures, panoramic x-rays, taking a mold of my teeth and of course his visual assessment of my crooked teeth, etc.

To begin this appointment of the Recommended Orthodontic Treatment, I was told (multiple times) that I "have PERFECT skeletal jaw alignment."

Did you notice the word PERFECT up there?

I'll wait if you wish to re-read it.

I'll even bask in my excitement a bit more.

Ok. Moving on...

Braces are in my future. Think about it, I just turned 50 years old and I will have braces.

But when I left the orthodonist's office, I couldn't wait to call my family to tell them...


I couldn't see their faces, but I know their eyes were rolling and they were thinking...

Here we go again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindy,

    I looooove your sense of humor! You make me smile!
    And I got braces as an adult, too! I was 41, had them on 2 1/2 years, and it was one of the BEST things I've ever done. Bonus: I lost lots of weight because the braces caused so much pain. Hopefully yours won't hurt like mine did, but if they do, enjoy the perk! I now love my PERFECT smile! :-)

    (Oh, and I'm turning 50 this year, too!)


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