I have been re-reading the book One Thousand Gifts.
On June 8th my (former) Bible Study group has asked me to speak about how the book has changed and improved my life and my faith. Initially, I thought I would explain what the book is about yet have come to the conclusion that I cannot verbally do it justice. I've made a hand-out with Ann Voskamp's blog address and will encourage them to visit her blog before purchasing her book. I'll tell them of my journey so far living eucharisteo and how some days I am more successful than others. After all, I am a work in progress.
I'm hoping some will be interested in meeting later this summer to discuss their thoughts about the book and living on the foundation of eucharisteo. They are demographically diverse and I always learn a lot from them.
#204 - #212 on my list of One Thousand Gifts. I'm thankful for:
204. the opportunity to be in fellowship with my Bible Study buddies, and for them choosing an evening since I now work full time
205. forgiveness. God forgiving me and my forgiving others.
206. freedom through grace and forgiveness
207. neighbors talking on the patio after a long week of work heading into the Memorial Day weekend
208. conversation with increasing family. A few hours of pool time, warm sun, burgers and hotdogs with all the fixin's
209. attending church with our daughter
210. living in the United States of America
211. the men and women who have served and are serving in our military
212. quietly celebrating Memorial Day this year
Turn on your speakers.
Read, enjoy, and thank God for His blessings.