
Friday, March 12, 2010

Losing It (Week Three)

I have joined Mary at Giving Up On Perfect in the "Losing It" weight loss challenge.

My plan is basically to eat less and move more.

I have updated my goals for the upcoming weeks:
1) Get on the treadmill 5 6 days a week.
2) Drink 48 64 oz. of water per day.
3) Take-in less calories (and healthier ones at that).
4) Lose 20 pounds at the end of 10 weeks.

Here is the update for Week 3:

1) I have continued on the treadmill 5 days this week for 20 minutes, 3 mph at a 1% incline. I've noticed a shift in my "body mass" which is good and I'm going to add one more day (Saturday) to "treading." I also bought a new pair of tennis shoes (actually they're running shoes) but I'm not planning on running (foot issues). They are lighter than my old shoes and I kind of feel like I'm walking on air now. Happy sigh...

2) I'm going to increase my water intake from 48 oz. to 64 oz. per day.

3) OK. I had dinner out this week to celebrate our daughter's birthday. A wonderful Japanese restaurant where I ate miso soup, beef terriyaki, broccoli, and white rice. I thought about skipping the white rice but I didn't and when the kind waitress brought my husband and me a dessert saki...bottoms up!  (Notice I'm increasing my exercise and water intake...but not the food. Hee hee!) I did abstain from eating a slice of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting last night since I was anticipating today's weigh-in, yet will admit that a piece of cake is "calling my name" after lunch today. Yummmmmmm.

4) Lost .5 lb. this week. (Total loss in 3 weeks is 4 lbs.) Total percentage of body weight loss will be posted on Week 10.

I am telling myself that it took longer than three weeks to get my body into this sorry shape, so it's not going to get all "lean and toned" without thoughtful food decisions and daily exercise. Slow and steady can win this race. This is a lifestyle improvement plan for me. Not a temporary quick-fix. A permanent commitment to being responsible for the body that God has given me. I'm not aiming for swimsuit catalog perfection (darn those catalogs!) I want to adopt these healthy habits and move beyond fixating complaining focusing so much of my mental time and mental energy on the shape that my body's in. Besides, I just noticed that the first day of Spring is coming (March 20) and it's time to retire my winter red nail polish and break out my flashy pink nail polish! lol

By the way, Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday (March 14). A reminder for those who "spring ahead" one hour. (This concludes your free Public Service Announcement!)

At the end of Week Three, I am determined.

If you care to join us, go to or just stop by to cheer on the other participants. See you next week!


  1. You sound like you're on a roll! Keep up the good work!

  2. I'm so impressed with your commitment to exercise. That is AWESOME! You're doing great.

  3. You are doing fantastic! And I think there is no problem allowing for a piece of cake every now and then. I've found I HAVE to allow myself treats or else I get frustrated and give up. Balance and moderation is key!

  4. good job! keep up the good work and eat some of my delicious birthday cake. (i heard it's super moist!)

  5. You're right. We didn't get where we are in ten weeks, and a little at a time will get us back in shape. Keep working at it!

  6. WOW! Cindy, you are doing GREAT. I love how you're adjusting your goals as you go. Keep up the great work!!


Thank you for stopping by and if you leave a comment...well that's just icing on the cake!