
Friday, March 19, 2010

Losing It (Week Four)

I have joined Mary at Giving Up On Perfect in the "Losing It" weight loss challenge.

My plan is basically to eat less and move more.

1) Get on the treadmill 6 days a week.
2) Drink 64 oz. of water per day.
3) Take-in less calories (and healthier ones at that).
4) Lose 20 pounds at the end of 10 weeks.
An updated goal for Weeks 5-10:
Addition of sit-ups on an exercise ball, and light weights (not on the exercise ball)!

Here is the update for Week 4:

1) I have continued on the treadmill 6 days this week for 20 minutes, 3 mph at a 1% incline.

Did you know that scientists have determined it takes 21 days for people to form a new habit?
I noticed after my Week Three post that it was more natural for me to get on the treadmill. I believe I have changed my behavior (from sedentary to active) and it is now a normal scheduled part of my day. Yippee!

2) My water intake is 64 oz. per day. I now call water..."nature's liquid refreshment," instead of "are you kidding me?"!

3) I snacked more this past week and have come to the conclusion that snacking isn't bad (as long as I stick to healthier snack choices learned during my South Beach Diet days.) So this week I'm re-introducing myself to apples with peanut butter, celery with Laughing Cow Cheese, and turkey roll ups with cilantro mayo. (I just re-read that last sentence and let me assure you, these are separate snacks...not eaten at one sitting!)

4) Lost 1.5 lbs. this week. (Total loss in 4 weeks is 5.5 lbs.) Total percentage of body weight loss will be posted on Week 10.

At the end of Week Four, I am grateful.
Grateful for this body that God has given me and grateful that it remembers how to move. 

If you care to join us, go to or just stop by to cheer on the other participants. See you next week!


  1. Grateful! Love it.. keep at it.

  2. Love your closing sentence. I think we could all be more thankful for the bodies we've been given.

  3. YAY!!! That's awesome. And 6 days on the treadmill is wonderful! Congrats on your total so far!!

  4. SO excited for you that exercise is becoming a habit! Whoop!

  5. Cindy, you are doing so well - you're an inspiration to me!! I do a lot better when I plan for healthy snacks, too. My body just needs food more than three times a day!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting, Cindy. I love that you also do stuffed celery -- I've been doing that myself. Last week I took lox and fat free cream cheese, cut it with a little fat free sour cream for spreadability, and made an awesome spread for stuffing celery. I also made a couple of sandwiches with the spread. It occurred to me that it would be a good thing to take to parties. You've inspired me to try to create something else to stuff celery with!

  7. Wow! You rock! I love to eat apples with laughing cow cheese and peanut butter with celery. Maybe I'll change it up this week and eat my apple with PB and my laughing cow with celery! Keep up the great work! I know how difficult consistent exercise can be...and it looks like you've got it down!!

    Great job!


  8. I love your comment about water! "I now call water..."nature's liquid refreshment," instead of "are you kidding me?"!"

    My mother is a funny woman!


Thank you for stopping by and if you leave a comment...well that's just icing on the cake!