
Monday, April 30, 2012

One Thousand Gifts (742-747)

Continuing on my journey toward one thousand gifts....

I had a lovely weekend beginning on Friday watching the (in)courage Opening (in)RL Session at 9:00 p.m. Wonderful Husband and I were babysitting our granddaughter (Youngest Sweetie), and she was on my lap for the first part of the webcast as I told her that on that night, she was my community.

My mother-in-law has been suffering with constant pain this past week. She's scheduled for an MRI this week and hopefully a diagnosis and treatment will follow. We took over a couple meals to the in-laws since my father-in-law has never cooked and is now learning how to heat up food in the microwave oven. Family is my community.

Wonderful Husband and I were at church on Sunday where the 3rd grade children received Bibles. "A gift from our church and from God," our Associate Pastor told them. After church, there was a prayer quilt to pray over for a 23 week pregnant mother in the hospital with complications. Church is my community.

The theme for my weekend was community: defining, focusing, and helping others.

It was a lovely weekend.

742 - 747 on my list of One Thousand Gifts. I'm thankful for:

742. community: online and IRL (In Real Life)

743. delivering food to my in-laws. They've given so much of themselves to others and it is wonderful to be able to give to them.

744. Bibles for 3rd grade children. May they read His Word and embrace their faith.

745. a shift in attitude and what better way than finding wall art to remind myself that striving for perfection (or could it be defined as, "Doing things my way?") never worked for me and my family....

746. "(in)RL 2012 Webcast: Exploring the Nitty Gritty of Community" hosted by (in)courage. It was amazing!

747. scripture always feeding my soul

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24 (NIV)

This post is linked to A Holy Experience: Multitudes on Mondays, One Thousand Gifts.

How was your week(end)?


  1. Hi Cindy, thanks for stopping by yesterday. I had an attitude adjustment this week as well . . . love the wall art.

  2. Hey Cindy! Thanks so much for stopping by my place and for your kind comment!

    I'm still trying to get caught up on blogging after being MIA for six months and wanted to stop by for a visit! I love you "gifts" post and your thoughts on community!

    Have a wonderful week!



  3. I just love that sign! I want one for my house!!!! Just perfect. We often talk about what we DON'T do, but this is so positive!

    And I love that your church gave out bibles. I remember 3rd grade so vividly, even though it was a million years ago.

    So glad I stopped by today. It was a blessing to be here!


Thank you for stopping by and if you leave a comment...well that's just icing on the cake!