I have been reading
A Holy Experience (Ann Voskamp's blog) for a few months. Every Monday Ann adds to her list of One Thousand Gifts and today I'm adding to my list too.
I learned an amazing lesson this week while actively seeking gifts/blessings.
I started feeling cranky about my being
the only one in maybe the entire world who knows how to stock the toilet paper under the bathroom sinks and also
the only one who seems to know how to hang the roll on the holder. Then I thought, "Thank you God for toilet paper," and burst out laughing.
Moments later, I rounded the corner and spotted the sink full of dirty dishes, felt the blood pressure rising and thought, "Thank you God for the dirty dishes," and burst out laughing again!
In this journey of actively seeking gifts/blessings, I can turn an automatic negative thought around quickly when looking for the blessing from God in my reality of dirty dishes and toilet paper. This lesson learned during the "little things" will be beneficial and hopefully habitual when the "big things" come into my life.
#56 - #68 on my list of One Thousand Gifts. I'm thankful for:
56. laughter
57. toilet paper and dirty dishes
58. the book,
Me Myself & Lies...A Thought-Closet Makeover by Jennifer Rothschild. This was a life changing/challenging book for me about clearing out the mess in my mind and replacing it with God's Word, His love, and His truths. (Should be used with a friend or group for maximum benefit.)
59. a customer who made my day. She told me that she knew I was "from the north" because I knew how to spell her last name. I didn't have the heart to tell her that although I live in PA, I learned how to spell while growing up in the south.
60. meeting Sue at Starbucks. She has experienced the miracle of better health after leaving a stressful job.
61. Entenmann's Valentine's Day cupcakes. Yummy deliciousness.
62. four new tires and an alignment. I feel like I'm floating down the road.
63. sending a sympathy card with prayer to our Associate Pastor whose mother died.
64. our back yard neighbor's two large white dogs. I love hearing them bark because I know someone is moving around outside. Except they don't bark at us because we always sing out, "Helloooooo!" and wave. Oh. And they bark at hot air balloons in the summer too.
65. our daughter Young Sweetie leaving a Valentine's Day card and flowers for Wonderful Husband and myself while we were at work.
66. the Prayer Quilt Ministry at our church. Bending over the quilt in prayer, praying for a woman battling cancer, then tying a knot in the string.
67. Terri's birthday. Not another year older....another year wiser!
68. meeting Charlotte on Saturday morning for breakfast. Talking about her Revelation Bible Study and grace being my focus for 2011.
Turn on your speakers. Read, enjoy, and thank God for His blessings.
What are you thankful for this week?