
Monday, April 23, 2012

One Thousand Gifts (733-741)

Continuing on my journey toward one thousand gifts....

Wonderful Husband and I had a mission on Saturday. I had to find something to wear to the weddings we're attending in June and August. And on a side note....a wedding in August? I should mention it's outside. Did I already say August???

Clothes shopping is not my favorite activity. Probably because of my three years of working retail in my youth.

I wrote a list of six retail establishments that we could try and Wonderful Husband was the driver/navigator, planning the order to visit each store on the list. (He's better at geography than I am. I married well.)

I struck out at shops one and two. At the third shop, I purchased two dresses, two necklaces, and a pair of earrings!

Bring on the weddings!

#733 - 741 on my list of One Thousand Gifts. I'm thankful for:

733. finding two dresses for the weddings

734. Dress Barn. I heart you!

735. Wonderful Husband shopping for dresses with me. I heart him too!

736. Wonderful Husband planting newly purchased phlox. I'm hoping that they'll choke the future weeds. (I sound like a bloodthirsty gardener but let me just say that I grow very hardy weeds.)

737. seeing Junior Prom students and their parents gathered at a neighbors' house for pictures

738. assisting Wonderful Husband with our granddaughter's bath

739. a Bavarian cream-filled, chocolate-covered donut

740. Violas. Are they baby pansies? I thought a viola was a  musical instrument.

741. Wonderful Husband showing me two ducks on our front walk. Silly ducks! (I wonder if they can be trained to bring the newspaper to the front porch? Ha!)

Before I left for work I saw another duck had joined the party in the front yard.

This post is linked to A Holy Experience: Multitudes on Mondays, One Thousand Gifts.

Did wild animals invade your yard this week? I'd love to know.


  1. Hi Cindy, Linked behind you at Ann's place. You did marry well :) So glad you found 2 dresses and that you've had fun with your hubby. No ducks, but squirrels in our vegetable bed. Blessings!

  2. Cindy,
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog today and thank you for your list! you make me want to list the same but I did see ducks last week when we went on a picnic. They circled our table!!
    Don't worry, I will visit you here often:))
    I don't know how long I will break from blogging but once I start writing for real again, I'll be back and happy!!! Blessings!

  3. An outdoor wedding in August?!? Yikes. Although, my cousin got married outside on the 4th of July, and the weather cooperated very nicely.

    Yay for husbands who go shopping with you! :)

    I hope you're doing well, Cindy. Have a good weekend!


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