Continuing my journey of counting toward one thousand gifts...
We had a wonderful vacation in Calabash, North Carolina. Since we were 30 minutes from the South Carolina border we went twice to visit the "friendly neighbors to the south."
The first time we went to Barefoot Landing. Had dinner at the Fire Island Grille and dessert at Maggie Moo's Ice Cream and Treatery. Both were delicious!
We went across the border the second time to see our niece Julie. She's lived in South Carolina for five years and works at a restaurant. Since she was working Saturday night, we went and had dinner at the restaurant and snatched a few bits of conversation with her. Once again we had a delicious meal and the "dessert" was seeing Julie. (Less calories!)
This week my list of blessings is compiled from our vacation. Thank you North Carolina for your blue skies and temperatures from 80 to upper 60s during the days!
#396-416 on my list of One Thousand Gifts. I'm thankful for:
396. seeing a black squirrel with a white-tipped tail. (Very intriguing, whereas before I've only seen our regular brown squirrels.)
397. a middle school boy scuffing his shoes on the way to the bus stop. A reminder that although I was on vacation, everyone around me wasn't.
398. a bagel shop with HUGE, delcious multigrain bagels
399. the humor of Wonderful Husband meeting fellow golfers who were transplanted from our Pennsylvania area. Small world indeed.
400. being called "young lady," "hon," and "sweetie." I love the south!
401. purchasing two blank journals at New Life Christian Bookstore in Shalotte, North Carolina
402. laying out beside a beautiful pool with the wind dancing through the palm tree fronds
403. seeing fields of cotton along the highways
404. still seeing some wild flowers beautifying the highways
405. a turtle-filled pond
406. a heron stalking minnows
407. cold sand on my feet
408. wild, wind blown hair
409. crisp mornings, cool days
410. reading
Jesus Calling and
The One Year Chronological Bible at the beginning of each day
411. reading
The Secret Lives of Dresses and
What's So Amazing About Grace? throughout the day
412. visiting with our niece Julie at her work
413.driving our kids crazy on our way home with my text messages each time we crossed a state line. (Example: Bye North Carolina, Hi Virginia!)
414. arriving home safely in less than 12 hours (including multiple necessary stops!) Ha!
415. a day off from work on Monday. Putting off reality a bit longer.
416. time spent with God during vacation. A habit that must continue now that I am home.
Turn on your speakers.
Read, enjoy, and thank God for His blessings.
Sunset Beach, North Carolina |